Central Qld Hotel Freehold .\r\n\r\nHistorical HotelAccommodation lifestyle business located near Gladstone .\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nPopular Weekend Destination\r\nOnly Local watering hole\r\nPicturesque setting\r\nA Grand Old Lady looking her best\r\nNot only would you be purchasing a business but also a lifestyle with this historical\r\nhotel which has stood in this township since the beginning of the last\r\ncentury. Once a budding gold mining town once rivalled Gladstone in the\r\npopulation stakes but these days it is the only remaining hotel of the 5 that flourished in\r\nthe gold mining days. It stands as an imposing structure in the main street and is\r\nnestled amongst the hills and peaks of the township with a mountain creek that\r\nmeanders it\'s way throughout the town creating a scenic effect that will really tug at\r\nyour heartstrings while making an idyllic place to live. Patrons can enjoy the Public Bar\r\narea, Pool Room, Dining Room, Beer Garden & Verandah to relax and consume a few\r\ncold ones and well as a tasty meal.\r\nAccommodation consists of owner\'s residence and 7 accommodation rooms upstairs.\r\nThe land is freehold and is situated on 4 blocks of land.\r\n\r\nAsking $550,000 Freehold and lifestyle business !